What is conscience?

consI want to start my essay with words of the great Russian writer A.S. Pushkin: “Conscience is a clawed beast scraping the heart”.

What is «conscience«? We all know that human life, its needs and interests, relationships and realities of existence is inextricably linked to social and ethical attitudes and laws. And the fundamental role it plays for the inner sense of balance, or rather, such a thing as the «conscience.» We know that «conscience» as all the rest of moral values, is difficult to characterize.

The concept of «conscience» as the understanding of this category of ethics has historically changed. Although it can be generalized as scientific definition: a quality of a person who has a certain structure and functionality — such a kind of «barometer» internal self-belief of the individual.

Question of Conscience in ethics was always quite difficult because conscience regulates the actions of man, which only the man knows. We can say that an important function of conscience is self-control.

Currently, based on accepted standards of morality in society makes creates people personal beliefs, which is influenced by personal rating actions and thoughts.

«Conscience» is the inner voice of man by which analyzes their actions and understands their implications, clearly distinguishing the fine line between good and evil. Conscience is always present in the consciousness of man. It is thanks to it that man realizes his moral responsibility for his actions and for this behavior and knows how to act in a given situation. It can occur suddenly, as well as disappear without a trace…

It should be noted that our inner «I» does not know and does not understand compromise and it simply cannot agree. After all, even seeking and pursuing the noble goal, the principle of «the end justifies the means» cannot be used because it would go counter to his own conscience. Because even a small evil done for the universal good, will not more than a scourge.

The man who has developed a sense of conscience is called conscientious. A conscientious person is responsible endowed with a deep sense of moral duty. He sets a high moral requirement, attentive and responsive, is able to deal with baser passions. Availability conscience testifies rooting morality in spiritual and emotional world of the individual. So a conscientious person behaves decently and in the absence of external control that does not act arbitrarily but really freely. For it is unacceptable permissiveness.

Conscience always goes hand in hand with kindness and honesty. Listen to it, this is your invaluable assistant that will at any moment ready to come to your aid to create a strong, honest, spiritually developed person with a good heart.

Some may have it. Someone lost it. To some it does not live peacefully… Who is this general, this conscience? Do you need it as a modern man? The question is not an easy one.

Typically, people start thinking about it when they are tormented man. Feature conscience that it has no clear external criteria. The concept of conscience of each person is his own. It gives a person a foundation in the world of its priorities and actions. Conscience helps to evaluate their behavior in terms of the moral values of the individual. The fact that one is unacceptable for the other part is not worth paying attention.

In my opinion conscience is the human capacity for moral self-control covering all the thoughts and actions of the position of «good / evil». If a person makes a false step or wrong choice, or offend a loved one, such an inner conscience bell begins to disturb him, recalling and paying attention to what was done wrong. Thus, a person has the opportunity to correct his mistake and thereby developing as a person.

But there are people who do not pay attention to the conscience. They continue to do wrong deeds and eventually rise to the dark side of their career. The voice of their conscience does not disappear, no, but it weakens and becomes completely inaudible. These people can crap in my life and the lives of nearly lot of unhappiness.

Sometimes going by transport or walking down the street, I think about the people and their consciences. Do they have any? And if they do have, one how clean is it? Will a young boy give his seat to an old woman or young girl will he help the blind cross the road? And every time I am wonder about how many people are indifferent and without conscience.

I hope after all of as humans in the near future will still learn to live in harmony with our inner world. And once such a thing as «torments» simply cease to exist, because conscience leads only person to do good things, it accompanies a sense of joy, and try to avoid evil deeds that cause a person a sense of guilt and shame.

Maybe, today it is an utopia, and yet we can find unconscionable essentially immoral person, but maybe tomorrow our descendants will live with a clear conscience, without offending a neighbor either by word or deed, or thoughts. Their conscience will be a reliable guardian of pride and arrogance, lies and mistrust everything dirty and bad that infests our soul.

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